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A member registered Aug 21, 2019

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Ok, I was doing that, and it provides a good amount of information, but I guess what I'm asking is, is there any way to get a 'stack trace' like the output during a normal ruby error, like this?


1.9.3-p551 :004 > [].error
NoMethodError: undefined method `error' for []:Array
        from (irb):4
        from /home/stew/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
1.9.3-p551 :005 >


Also, is there a way to get an inline debugger?

Hey all,

Was coding this morning and ran into this:

The method named "chunk" doesn't exist on (class Array (included_modules [GTK::Primitive:│
:ConversionCapabilities, Enumerable]) ).

Which I found strange; according to Ruby 1.9.2's docs, #chunk should be available:

What's going on? Is it Ruby 1.9.2 or something else?

I've also noticed some interesting irregularities; for instance, it seems cannot create a subclass of a class with an `initialize` method with a different arity/cardinality than it's parent; i.e if I define `class Foo; def initialize; end; end; class Bar < Foo; def initialize a; end; end;`, you'll get an ArgumentError if you ever try to instantiate an instance of the `Bar` class.

So far there are a lot of things I enjoy about this package but I have to say it would be nice if more clarity was provided regarding the Ruby environment that it's running.  It's really jarring to hit speed-bumps like this when normally in Ruby it would `just work`.

Linux, and unfortunately, occasionally Windows.

Is there any way to get the stack trace of an exception? Having a hard time finding out where an error is occurring.